
We couldn't have found a better park than this one! We met the Myers cousins for a little pizza and baseball in the park. Of course, we couldn't resist the little water fountains (fully clothed and all)! It was a perfect day, perfect weather and SO MUCH FUN!

ERIN and BRYSON having a cupcake together

What would a cousin get-together be without a silly face picture??

HaPpY BiRtHdAy To MiRaNdA!!!
MIRANDA turns 15!!! We had a nice little family party. This cake is your basic funfetti cake with a layer of vanilla icecream inside. YUMMY!

8 6 7 - 5 3 0 9


Yep, she got a cell phone!! And, of course, many other teenager necessities, such as, money, clothes, WICKED Cup filled with candy & gum. Lucky girl!


Well, it has been awhile since I last posted! I started the transcription job. It is pretty intense! I am learning all kinds of new things about cancer, cancer drugs, anemia, labs, and all sorts of other medical issues that people have. The doctor that I transcribe for is a Middle-Eastern Indian guy. It's taking me a while to get the hang of his accent! But, I'm getting better and feel more comfortable listening to him as each day goes by. Luckily, I can slow him way down, adjust the volume and rewind him as many times as I need too. It is all digital too, which is very lucky for me since their three offices are in Scottsdale and Glendale. I don't ever have to drive out there to pick up tapes or drop off completed reports. I can just sign it off, queu it for faxing to referring physicians and even print it in Scottsdale, all from right here at home on my own little computer! Awesome!