
The first day of school
Daniel is in 3rd grade, Erin 1st grade, Marlee 8th grade, Miranda 10th grade.
Miranda, way 2 cool 4 before-school pics.
I had to post this old picture instead. It shows her true feelings about having her picture taken, especially on the first day of school! This gal had a summer full of YW camp, band practice, band camp, band parties, piano practicing, Harry Potter . . . yes, she is reading #7 AGAIN!
2 cool 4 pics outside of the car
Marlee and Xan will be 8th graders this year!! Finally, the oldest ones on campus!
The coolest first grader in Mrs. Letter's Class
The coolest 3rd grader in Mrs. Saylor's Class
Marlee's 13th Birthday
Marlee celebrated her b-day the day after the big wedding with a BIG piece of wedding cake!
Partying with the friends
Cool swimming pool cake!
Cannon and Tiffany & Boys.
They announced BOY #5 is on his way in December!
Miranda, Daniel, Erin, Marlee
Lovely Ladies
Aunt Cara got married to Shaun Courtney on July 6th. We had fun helping them get ready by decorating the yard. It was really pretty with all the lights.
Beautiful nieces, Briar and Avery
Cara and Shaun
Funny Flowergirls
Miya and Jen, tooo sexy!
Catching some air!
Swimming with the cousins
Miranda and Miya
Miya and Jen, sooo sexy!

Jeff & Ines' all the way from Africa!
It was sure good to see Jeff, Ines', Sarita, and Sophia again.
Show Low's Annual 4th of July Parade
Practice makes perfect!
The three older kids started up on piano lessons again this summer. They are all doing great!

Marlee's group, Teen Jazz II, danced with the older girls to "You Can't Stop the Beat." It was really radical!

Notice the pierced ears!
Our lovely dancers!

Well, we had an eventful summer, starting with Erin and Marlee's dance recital. Erin's Jazz/Tap class danced to a song called "Sing, Sing, Sing."
Grandma and Grandpa Myers are Home!
They returned from a successful mission in Denver, Colorado.