
Erin is getting baptized this Sunday, 12/14 Those of you who can and would like to join us, it will be at our ward building at 3:30 PM.
Thanksgiving in ShowLow
We had tons of fun bowling with the cousins in ShowLow!
I don't know if you can tell, but it is snowing in this picture!
Thanks for a wonderful Thanksgiving mom and dad! We had fun stuffing our faces, playing, relaxing, and then stuffing our faces again!
Cousins, Cousins and more Cousins!!! Funny boys
Clarinets Rule!
Our awesome Colorguard girl!
Halloween! The kids made do with stuff from the costume box. I refused to buy new costumes this year! Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Daniel (the ghost) or Marlee (the corpse bride), but they were very cute too!
Our cute little Sparky!