
Daniel's Awesome Creations

Daniel's Awesome Creation

Daniel went to school today but had a little accident at recess. He was waiting in line to play kickball and a kid kicked the ball and it hit him in the head. Unfortunately, he happened to be standing by a pole, so the other side of his head hit the pole! He went to the nurses office and because he told the nurse that he had some "ringing in his ears," she sent him home. As you can tell, he looks really sick. . .NOT! So here he is . . . bored . . . making "awesome" creations and filming them for you!


Summer Band Camp Highlights. Marlee is only in a couple shots, but she is wearing purple shorts/tie-dye shirt and is twirling a white flag.
OK, we weren't in any way there or involved, but our ward did a pinewood derby for the dads and this video one of the dads made is a riot! I think the only rule was no fire!


Dog Smooches

Blahhh, YUCK! LOL!

Marlee loves dogs! Here she is playing with all of them. Our neighbors were considering getting rid of this beagle puppy (other neighbors complaining about barking, etc.), but the dog was so cute playing with Abby and Charlee that I think they've decided to keep her and get her another little puppy friend to play with! If they change their minds we've got first dibs!




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Kalama School in Washington where Twilight was filmed!
This is not just your ordinary gym, school parking lot, school hallway and forest! Brad's folks continued on their vacation after we all left Alaska, and they toured around up in Washington and Oregon. They were kind enough to take these pictures of Kalama High School where Twilight was filmed! They haven't actually seen the movie, but thought we'd be interested . . . uh, YEA! We wish we were there with them!!!

I'm ready for another LADIES NIGHT OUT . . . come on November 20th, get here!


Since we didn't have a chance to do the reunion this year, we all got together for a swim party/b-day party for the baby. It reminded me of being in Alaska at the salmon hatchery with pools full of salmon (only our pool was packed with Crocketts)! We had some yummy Cafe' Rio potluck style and lots of b-day cake! Thanks for coming everyone . . . but we missed Michael, Jared/Kayla, Jeff/Ines' and their kids.
My niece, Alexandra, turns #1!

Yummy B-day Cake

We had fun watching the baby destroy her own little b-day cake! Dave, Renee, I hope you don't mind that I posted this . . . she's just sooo cute!