Finally, an opportunity for Erin to make her own money for club volleyball next year!! With a little help from all of you, that is! ;)
First of all, I am not a big fan of sales or selling things to anyone. I, myself, never have extra $, so don't really ever buy things that are above and beyond the necessities. But I fell in love with this company when on a visit with a sister in our ward. She had just lost her only son in a tragic car accident. She was given a beautiful locket/chain to remember him by. Inside the locket were various charms such as a little blue diamond crown (he was the baby of their family and they used to call him "little prince"), the infinity sign (families are forever), a heart that says "In memory of," and inside the locket was a background plate that said "Blessed." Hard to describe what that necklace meant to a mom who had lost a child, but she wears it every day.
I have several necklaces that I've purchased at various stores in the mall. . . .cheapies that turn a dark color and smell weird after being worn a few times. They hang in my closet never to be worn again because the chains are dark and ugly. If I added up all the money I've spent on that costume jewelry, maybe I could afford to buy one or two really nice necklaces that could be passed down someday.
Another reason we got into this business is because they allow girls 12 and up to become "Designers." They have leadership training meetings and have fun conferences for the girls to go to. Aside from all that, the cost to start up was only $150, which included a start-up kit with $400 worth of jewelry included. Marlee, Erin, and I each pitched in $50 to get started. We each have a pretty necklace to show, which helps motivate folks to visit our website, which was also included, in addition to several business materials. Our neighbors (Erin's best friend, Savanna), are also doing this and signed on under us, so we are all in it together! We plan to have parties together and share the love with all of you!! To the locals, we will invite you when we have a party (once we figure out what we are doing). In the meantime, check out our website and "tell your story" with Origami Owl!
Also, check out the founder of this company, Bella Weems,currently a senior at Perry High, as she was featured on Good Morning America recently.