
Well, today I took Daniel and Marlee to the orthodontist. Marlee's was a routine visit, Daniel's was a Complimentary New Patient Exam. They took a panoramic x-ray of his mouth and guess what? He's missing a lateral incisor (on the right). We have this crazy family history of teeth problems so I knew he needed to get seen sooner or later. Brad was missing some teeth, and Miranda had one malformed lateral incisor. The good news is that his baby tooth has a nice long root on it and the ortho says that we should just leave it there as long as possible. He said that since there was no other tooth pushing down on the roots that it should stay put for quite a few years. Might look funny, but less expensive than an implant! The other good news is that his canines are coming straight down in the right positions! Marlee and Miranda both had their canines going sideways which requires surgery to expose the tooth and anchor it with a chain to another molar to guide it down in the right direction. Marlee will be having that surgery in the next couple of months (just waiting for a molar to grow in). The orthodontist was impressed with the rest of Daniel's STRAIGHT teeth and will recheck him again in a year! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow!! sounds like a lot of orthodontist bills are on the way. we're sure glad Daniel doesn't have two spinal columns. Love, Grandma and Grampa c.