
YES! Miranda has a date (her first) to MORP on Saturday, Whoo Hoooo! The theme is "Disney" and her group is going as Peter Pan, Wendy, Tiger Lily and the Lost Boys. I am guessing her date will be one of the Lost Boys. We just need to find him a shirt to go along with that, hmmmm. . .
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CJ said...

OOOOoooooh! How fun for Miranda! We'll need the details later!

Bunch of Brooks' said...

Congrats and good luck Miranda! It brings back lots of fun memories:)

Leburta said...

Good to see you all on the blog. I hope Miranda had a wonderful time. Your picture of the children at the beginning of the blog is very nice. Grandmas like pix of the grandkids. I miss seeing everyone often. Love you all, MOM C

Pooh's Pics said...

Ok, so we need an update now, how did the big date go?!?!?